Spenddown Strategy
From its inception, Grove has been a “spenddown” foundation. This means that, instead of holding onto assets for as long as possible and allocating just a small amount each year, Grove is intentionally giving away all of its assets until none are left. This way, Grove can accomplish its mission of shifting resources and power to communities most impacted by injustice and oppression.
By 2030, the Grove Foundation will make its final grants and cease to exist. We aim to communicate clearly and consistently with all of our grantees to ensure that everyone can make the most of their funding as Grove spends down and that everyone can plan for their financial future.”
During our spenddown process, we will share periodic updates on this page.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Grove’s timeline for spending down?
Grove is planning to distribute its last assets by 2030. Since we’re just starting this process of spending down, there will be a lot of decisions to consider in the near future. We will rely heavily on grantee feedback during this time to ensure we’re providing as much support and communication as possible.
We have created a visual timeline to help our grantees and colleagues understand our spenddown in the context of the foundation’s history. Click here to view the timeline.
Will the spend-down change Grove’s funding strategy?
In a word, no. As ever, Grove believes in the strategic knowledge of our grantees to define and achieve meaningful solutions that lead to equity, resilience, and joy for all. Just as the spend-down itself is a commitment to addressing wealth inequality, we will continue to be guided by trust-based grantmaking in our final years of operation.
Is the Foundation still accepting new grant proposals?
As we move closer to our end date, we have decided to use most of our remaining resources to support our current grantees. This means that we are not actively seeking new grantees, and expect that new funding opportunities will be very limited.
How should current grantees get the latest updates from Grove?
As always, your program officer will be your best point of contact for questions and concerns as we all move through this spenddown process. Additionally, we’ll be providing more resources and timelines as information becomes available. We strongly recommend subscribing to our newsletter for regular updates.